Pacific History Association
A webinar series coordinated by Helen Gardner and Jacqui Leckie.
All are most welcome to join. Please check the PHA facebook page for updates
Enquiries to jacqui.leckie[at]
Past Webinars
Thursday 10 November 2022:
"Rethinking Culture, History and Gender Relations in Solomon Islands". By Anna Kwai, PhD candidate, Australian National University. [No recording available]
Thursday 13 October 2022:
"USP student research roundup: in honour of Brij V. Lal". By Sonia Soakai and Eroki Rakuita, MA Candidates, USP. Chaired by Nicholas Halter (University of the South Pacific). [No recording available]
Wednesday 7 September 2022:
"Indigenous Feminist History: Futurities, Relationalities, and CHamoru Placental Politics". By Associate Professor Tina Taitano DeLisle (University of Minnesota - Twin Cities). Click here for a video recording
Friday 12 August 2022:
"Mining Futurities: Imagined Futures for the Pacific’s Three Great Phosphate Islands". By Dr Nicholas Hoare (Department of Pacific Affairs, Australian National University). Click here for a video recording
Thursday 7 July 2022:
"People’s Histories of Christianities: Towards reStorying Pacific Church History". By
Associate Professor Gladson Jathanna (Pacific Theological College, Suva). Click here for a video recording
12 November 2020:
"Decolonisation Interrupted: West Papuan Campaign for Independence 1961-69". By Emma Kluge (University of Sydney). Click here for a video recording
8 October 2020:
" 'A Time Bomb Lies Buried': The Road to and From Fijian Independence". By Emeritus Professor Brij V. Lal (Australian National University). Click here for a video recording
10 September 2020:
"Popular Culture and the Beginning of Cinema Culture in Western Samoa". By Dr Louise Mataia Milo (National University of Samoa). Click here for a video recording
15 August 2020:
"In search of a solution to the problem of resolving the succession to the Vanua title of the Vunivalu of the Yavusa of Sovatabua – Natewa, Vanua Levu, Fiji Islands." By Tuinawi Rakuita, Eroni Rakuita, Sevanaia Sakai, and Morgan Tuimaleali’ifano (The University of the South Pacific). [No recording available]